Renewable Energy sources

 The last topic was based on the introduction of energy engineering.

Link [ Introduction to energy engineering ]

   Renewable energy source:

The source of energy available in nature in infinite form. This kind of is a never-ending type of energy as the meaning of the word renewable energy states energy will always exist. This type of energy generation is nearly pollutionless.

Types of renewable energy sources:-

  • Solar Energy:

Sunlight is the most available form of source on earth. It can also be called the free source on earth. It can also be called a free source of an infinite amount of energy. The amount of solar energy towards the earth's surface for one hour is more than the planet's total energy required for a year.

Since it sounds like a perfect renewable form of energy source. The amount of solar energy we use varies with a period. According to day, month, I.e. seasons.

The use of solar energy is increasing day by day many countries are taking forward steps towards solar energy generation countries like,

China, Germany, Italy, United States, France, India, Japan, Australia, United Kingdom, Pakistan, etc.

According to total capacity of energy generated with the help of solar is 509.3GW in 2018 & 646.8GW in 2019. It is assumed that till 2023 solar power generation will be 1296GW.

  • Wind Energy :

Wind energy is available in plenty amount and it is a clean energy source. Harmless electric energy is generated with the help of wind energy. Where turbines are used to drive a generator which then feeds energy to the national grid.

According to, the Total amount of wend energy generation capacity globally is 591.5GW in 2018 & 655.9GW in 2019.

Where it is assumed that by 2023 total power generation capacity will reach 903GW globally.Where the wide amount of wind energy-producing is China, USA, Germany, India, Spain, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Canada, Italy, Etc.

  • Hydro Energy:

Hydro Energy is also a source of renewable energy. It is one of the most developed sources of energy commercially. Building dams &barriers, large reservoirs are used to create a controlled flow of water which leads to driving a turbine, which generates electricity. This source is obtained as reliable as compared to solar and wind energy.

Norway, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, Sweden, Russia, China, India, Etc. Are hydropower generating countries.

According to Total amount of power generated globally is 1,308GW in 2019.

  • Tidal power:

This is another form of hydro Energy. In this tidal currents are used to drive the turbines of the generator.

  • Geothermal Energy:

In geothermal energy the heat below the earth surface is used to produce energy, the heat is continuously produced inside the earth's core. This heat is extracted from the earth's core and used to produce steam with the help of that heat and produced steam is struck on the turbine of generator which tends to rotate generator turbine. Which then generates energy.

According to Wikipedia 13900MW energy is produced globally.

According to, 15680MW geothermal energy vis produced globally by the end of 2020.

US, Indonesia, Philippines, New Zealand, Italy, Etc are geothermal energy-producing countries.

  • Biomass Energy:

This is also a part of renewable energy source. Solid fuel is made from plants and natural waste, which is then used to generate electricity, Biomass energy also involves the burning of organic materials to produce electricity. Converting agricultural, domestic waste is converted into solid, liquid, gaseous fuel & then using it for power generation. Biomass is for power generation, Biomass is a low-cost power generation process.

According to total amount of Biomass energy generated in 2020 was 15.65GW globally.

Countries like the US, Brazil, Indonesia, Spain, Etc are Biomass energy-producing countries.


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  1. Really enjoy your blog and it's such an informative keep doing great work.

  2. Good Information....thankyou for notes👏👏

  3. Good efforts gathering all the basics information which is not easily available on the internet.
    keep it up Pranit Jadhav & RK.

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