Nuclear waste disposal,site selection for nuclear power plant Nuclear waste disposal method,safe method for nuclear waste disposal, siting for nuclear power plant, factors considered for site selection for nuclear power plant.

 Nuclear waste disposal:-

Nuclear waste disposal is prime importance of nuclear power station. Since the nuclear waste is. Presumably to have radioactivity. Hence, these waste are dumped in such a way that it does not cause any harm to human or plant life.

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Various methods adopted for nuclear waste disposal are:-

1]In case of gaseous waste is passed through filter and discharged at a high level through stacks.

2]Moderate liquid wastes can be discharged after refining, precursory treatment (Its PH value is adjusted) and by dilution and then mixing with cooling water discharge in deep pit of dry wells. Liquid wastes of high radioactive are kept in concrete tanks and burned into ground till they decay of radio activity.

3]Solid waste arising from discharged control rods, fuel cans, etc. are stored in shielded vaults.

4]The waste which are combustible and chemically incompatible are regretted. The combustible waste is burned in incinerators and the five gases formed are filtered and disposed off through stocks.

5]Active radio actives are stored in water for about 100 or more days to allow radioactivity decay.

Then this is disposed in deep salt mines or on ocean floor or in deep wells drilled in stable geological strata.

Site selection criteria for Nuclear Power station:-

There are several points to be considered while selecting a site for a Nuclear Power station.

Following are the criteria for site selection:-

1] Availability of water:

For steam generation and cooling purpose water is required; hence it should be nearer to sea, river or reservoir.

2] Nearer to load center:

Power transmission causes power losses hence to reduce it power station should be nearer to load center.

3] Away from the populated areas:

The plant should be away from populated area to safeguard the people's from hazardous radioactive radiations.

4] Availability of transport facility:

Transportation is required to transportation of material at the time by railway or roadways.

5] safeguard against earthquakes:

The sight should be away from the seismic zone. To avoid leakage due to vibrations.

6] Radioactive waste disposal:

The waste of nuclear power plants being radioactive, the site should have sufficient space in nepenthe plant for its disposal.

7] Soil conditions for foundation:

The bearing capacity of soil should be high to support heavy reactors on its foundations. The bearing capacity must be at least 50 N/CM².

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