What is nuclear power plant! Why nuclear power plant? Advantages and disadvantages of nuclear power plant Elements of nuclear power plant,main components of nuclear power plant, types of nuclear power plant reactor.

Nuclear Power plant

 In this power plant, a nuclear reactor is used to generate power hence it is named nuclear power.

Nuclear Power plant has served advantages as well as disadvantages in its way.

This plant generates a wide amount of energy but there are some risks for generating energy with the help of nuclear power plant.

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‡Why thermal power plant?

When we generate energy with the help of hydroelectric power plant. The energy generation in this process is completely dependent on water and as the availability of water varies as the cause of climate change rain fails to fill the water level in the river, sea etc. I directly affect the power generation process and hydroelectric power plant fails in such a situation.

On the other hand steam, diesel and gas turbine plants are dependent on conventional sources of fuel like coal, oil and gas but the availability of these sources are getting depleted with increasing demand in the power sector.

The thermal power plant is generally dependent on coal but the availability of coal is only in specific areas, but the remaining areas needed coal by transportation which causes a rise in expenses which also affects the amount of power generation.

Hence it has been important to seek large alternative and powers like solar, nuclear, geothermal, tidal got implemented as an alternative.

In present nuclear power plant is widely used for power generation.

The fuel used in the nuclear power plant is 'URANIUM & THORIUM'.

The reserves of uranium in the earth's crust is estimated to be 10^11 tonnes at a depth of 5KM or so.

Out of these about 20*10^6 tonnes of uranium and 1*10^6 tonnes of thorium can economically be extracted. It has been estimated that fission of 1KG of uranium can produce the energy equivalent to burning of about 4*10^6 tonnes of High-grade coal.

A Nuclear Power plant requires a high initial cost but it has a low operating cost as compared to the thermal power plant.


1) With the help of this power plant demand for depleting resources of energy reduces. Which ultimately affects the price of fuels like Coal, Oil and Gas.

2) Plant gives an efficient performance.

3) This power plant requires less space as compared to plants having the same power generation capacity.

4) This plant is non-Polluting as compared to Coal, Oil, fired plants.


1) High capital cost.

2) Requires experienced person to handle every process.

3) The plant has radioactive waste for disposal.

4) High degree of safety is required for a person working in this plant against nuclear traditions.

5) Cost of power generation is high.


Elements of nuclear power plant

1) Nuclear Power plant

2) Heat exchanger

3) Steam turbine, Condenser, Generator.

In a nuclear power plant, a nuclear reactor is used to generate heat energy by splitting the atom of nuclear fuel in the lie of a furnace or a boiler of the conventional power plant.

The heat exchanger uses this heat energy to form steam which is then used for power generation in a steam power plant.

Nuclear power is used as a baseload plant since these plant cannot respond quickly to the variable load requirement.


1) Reactor vessel



4) Control rods

5) Reflector

6) Coolant

7) Shielding.


∆Thermal Power plant:

1) Pressure water reactor (PWR) power plant.

2) Boiling water reactor (BWR) power plant.

3) Gas-cooled reactor (GCR) power plant.

4) High-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) power plant.

5) Pressurized heavy water reactor (PHWR) power plant.

∆Fast breeder reactor:

1) Liquid metal fast breeder reactor (LMFBR)

2) Gas-cooled fast breeder reactor (GCFBR).

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