Definition of Hydrology:-

  • The meaning of the word Hydrology states, "hydro" = water and "logy" = study.
  • It is the study of the occurrence, circulation and distribution of water on earth and its atmosphere.

Application of Hydrology:-

  • In flood areas, to predict the intensity of  flood occurrence.
  • In dams, to determine the reservoir capacity.
  • In cities, for determining the design of pipes and drainage and sewage system.
  • In irrigation, for determining the cultivation area available.

Hydrological cycle:-

  • Hydrological cycle is also known as water cycle.
  • It is the phase conversion process, in which the water moves from sea to atmosphere and atmosphere to sea by land.
  • In this process, the cyclic movement of water from one phase to another phase having different residence time of each phase.
  • Residence time:- In this process, the average time it takes for a water molecule to be converted from one phase to another phase.
  • Phases in hydrological cycle:-

           1. Precipitation

           2. Evaporation

           3. Transpiration

           4. Infiltration

           5. Runoff


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